Why Outsource?
There are a variety of reasons why you might want to outsource.
- Time
- It takes time to prepare submittals. You may already have a highly qualified staff of professionals preparing submittals, but your business is booming and you just can't afford to pull someone off of another important customer's project to do the latest one! We can help.
- Money
- It costs a great deal of money to keep a full time professional staff on board. Probably in the 35K to 55K a year range per employee, plus benefits! You just don't have enough work to keep another one busy, but you can't quite seem to get it all done with the personnel you have. Consider us to be your "part time" staff with Full Time resources!
- Expertise
- Pehaps your current staff just doesn't have the expertise required. They need some additional Training. Maybe you need someone to come to your facility and help you get some better systems in place to get the job done more efficiently. Once again, we can help!